Our Beliefs


1. In the trinity: God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

2. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, born of the virgin Mary, knew no sin, was crucified, died, buried on the third day, he resurrected, ascended and is seated on the right hand of God the father interceding on our behalf.

3. We believe, accept and confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal savior.

4. We believe in repentance from our sins through the grace and mercy of God by the Blood of Jesus.

5. We believe in the total leadership of the Holy Spirit and his direction in our service.

6. We believe in the five-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit.

7. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in Tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.

8. We believe in the gift of prophesy to edify the church.

9. We believe that the bible is the inspired Word Of God, Both the Old and New testament scriptures.

10. We believe in Praying without ceasing, Jesus started with prayers and ended with prayers.

11. We believe in the teaching and studying of the word of God, to show ourselves approved unto God.

12. We believe in tithing 10% of Our earnings according to scriptures.

13. We believe in free will offering, giving out of our heart to the Glory Of God. The Lord blesses a cheerful giver.

14. We believe in reaching out to lost souls through spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by evangelizing the world.

15. We believe in living in Holiness unto the Lord.

16. We believe in expressing the love of God to one another and assembling with the saints in worship.

17. We believe that each person is given gifts according to his ability to be used to the glory and uplifting of the name of the Lord.

18. We believe in the Lords supper, the washing of feet and the anointing of the saint.

19. We believe in water baptism by immersion, in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit for remission of sins.

20. We believe that Prophesy without prayer becomes problem, planning without prayer is pain, anointing without prayer brings annoyance.

21. We believe in the second coming of Christ to take the Saints to Himself, that where He is there we will be also.